Cobbes Meadow Riding and Driving
for the Disabled Group

Registered charity 1074165
Christine Sladden
I have been a trustee for about 15 years
I have experienced many memorable moments at Cobbes Meadow, but one that stands out is the story of Stuart, a severely autistic boy, who came to ride with his school. He obviously lived his life in a constant state of terror, and could not keep still. I'll never forget his complete relaxation, stillness and beatific smile as he rode round the school on Muppy, feeling her warmth and the gentle rocking movement.
Cobbes Meadow has a wonderfully positive impact. Horses have a special magic that enriches the lives of everyone who comes into contact with them.
Some of our participants say their lives have been transformed by riding or driving with us, and parents and carers get a lot of support from each other, and sometimes from the volunteers.
Cobbes Meadow is a community, and the riders, drivers and volunteers get a lot of pleasure out of being involved.