Cobbes Meadow Riding and Driving
for the Disabled Group

Registered charity 1074165

Carriage Driving Volunteer
On the day
Volunteers will harness the ponies, get the carriages out, set up a cones course in the outdoor arena and check that the track we use in the woods is passable.
Once the ponies are harnessed, they are taken into the arena so that we can get ready. There will be a head holder and two other volunteers, overseen by the coach.
We have two pairs of reins, one pair for the participant and the other for the coach to use if necessary; a bit like a dual control car!
Participants who are using the wheelchair carriage require more volunteers on the ground to operate the hoist, and we have an extra volunteer who rides in the carriage.
If we drive out on the public road, a volunteer will escort us on the electric bike and if we drive through the woods, we need to have at least two volunteers in case of emergency.
Everyone looks forward to a tea/coffee and biscuits with a good chat at the end of each session.
The day is always varied and there are lots of opportunities to get involved in different ways. All training is provided.
You are welcome to attend a taster session. If you agree to volunteer we ask that you are free on a regular basis on Fridays.
We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds. If you are under 16, we ask that a parent accompanies you. We are always pleased to hear from prospective volunteers, so please be in touch if you are interested in lending a hand.